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The BDA is one of the HMRC approved professional bodies (list 3).

Who can claim?

If joining the BDA is necessary to carry out your work or is relevant to your job, members employed in the UK may claim tax relief on their subscription fee. Both self-employed and salaried practitioners can claim.

How do I claim?

In order to claim tax relief, you must submit proof of payment of your BDA membership subscription fee directly to your tax office. All submissions must be made by 5 April each year. The tax relief will be reimbursed to you via your tax code for the following year. A receipt will be sent to you when you join or renew your membership.

How much can I claim?

Membership subscription fees and taxation rates shown here relate to the membership fees in force at 1 June 2023 and to the prevailing rate of income tax for higher rate tax payers on the same date:

Membership package Subscription fee Tax relief (at 40%) Real cost
Essential £472.64 £189.06 £283.58
Extra £962 £384.8 £577.20
Expert £​1,450.68 £580.27 £870.41

Where can I find more information?

For more information about tax relief for professional fees and subscriptions, please visit HM Revenue and Customs.